\id SITX008.TXT Central Subanen Text, Harelips, 18-AUG-00 \h3 |bHARELIPS,|r SITX008.TXT \h3 By Ansulat Promon \ip This brief text illustrates the fact that deprecating a disabled person is a breach of custom with serious consequences. \h3 \r \t Su Sibang* \f Harelips* \p \r 1 \t Di misuunan ku dun,* ki gelalen sibang, sa" dinami, ndi" da mpeksudi"an, pu" mekesukna".* \f To the extent of my knowledge,* it is not allowable to make fun of those called harelips, because it will result in retribution to the person who does so.* \p \r 2 \t Ki gelalen sukna", iin ig labu"en, sa" iini meketawa sug libun, tabia",* sa" megbata", naa pia kana" gasal sibang, naa mesibang da gusay ig bata"en. \f What we call retribution means that if it is a woman who laughs at a harelip, then when she, excuse the mention of it,* bears a child, even if there is no harelip in her ancestry, still her child will be a harelip. \r 3 \t Kaas ndi" peketuanan. \f So they are not to be laughed at. \r 4 \t Ndi" ita meksudi", pu" melaaten. \f We must not deprecate people, because it is evil. \ie \h3 |bCultural and Linguistic Notes on HARELIPS|r \no Title: Ansulat Promon dictated this text to Felicia Brichoux as ethnographic data \no 1a. This expression of humility is good Subanen etiquette and also a hallmark of Promon's rhetorical style, illustrated in many texts in this collection. \no 1b. Sickness or death, attributed to impersonal power, are the most commonly reported results of violating the |ibusung|r taboo: to experience what are considered the natural consequences of actions or words that offend another person. \no 2. |itabia"|r is a disclaimer used when one mentions socially taboo subjects, in this case the violating of custom regarding harelips. Respondents said use of the disclaimer is not related to the mention of child-bearing.